XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library [Vol. 1 - 2 - 3]

XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library [Vol. 1 - 2 - 3]
XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library [Vol. 1 - 2 - 3] | 3.97GB - 1.1GB - 1.01 GB

Landscaping vol.1/2/3 contains 3D plant models of trees and shrubs pruned into a wide array of hedges and topiaries. Each species includes 9 variations in age, size and shape for a total of 180 highly detailed, fully textured 3D models. Use these specialized outdoor landscaping forms in any outdoor scenes requiring 'human touch'.

The concept behind Xfrog is to give the user, powerful building blocks of Nature as modeling tools. Rather than draw, loft, extrude, revolve, the user procedurally defines organic forms using sliders.
XfrogPlants, are 30 libraries of popular plants, (2000+ plant models), and are built by botanical experts who gather real leaves and bark and painstakingly match photographic references to derive 3-9 variations of each Species of plants that they model.
The XfrogPlants are in all popular 3d formats and available as individual models, libraries, and bundles of libraries in our online shop.

In XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library vol.1 included:

- Chamaecyparis hedges
This 3D False Cypress (hedges) contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: These species are called “false cypresses” because in spite of their look, they do not belong to the Cupressus genus, although they are part of the larger Cupressaceae family. They are mostly coastal species, but can adapt also to inland climates as long as the thermal excursion is not too strong. They become resistant to frost only when they are well grown and established adults. The timber is of high quality and it’s used for works where the reliability and solidity are important for safety.
- Chamaecyparis allumii
This 3D Allumii False Cypress contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Allumii False-Cypress is a decorative variety of Chamaecyparis that features blue-gray leaves. The growth and environmental characteristics are the same of the main Chamaecyparis species. It does not require particular care and can be pruned at wish.
- Hibiscus
This 3D Hibiscus contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Hibiscus is a small tree or shrub of Asian origin. It is not known anymore in it’s wild state. The species has been used for centuries if not even thousands of years as a gardening species in the Eastern Asia for the beauty of it’s flowering. Today is it popular worldwide as it decorates the homes and gardens all over the world. It is produced in a variety of flower colors and there is even a multicolored species.
- Forsythia
This 3D Forsythia contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: Forsythia became known to the western world in the XVIII century. It was named in honor of William Forysth, director of the Chelsea Physic Garden. It has soon become a very popular gardening species because of it’s spectacular yellow flowering, which is one of the earliest and announces the arrival of Spring. It can and should be pruned often to encourage a bushy habit and to increase the production of flowers.
- Ligustrum ovalifolium var. Aureum
This 3D Golden Privet contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Golden Privet is a semi-evergreen species, meaning that it usually keeps it’s green foliage all over the year, but during severely cold winters, or along the coasts, it can lose part of all of it's foliage in the winter season. The species is much appreciated in gardening because it endures pruning well and the color of the leaves is very showy. The species is toxic for humans and can cause health problems if ingested.
- Ligustrum vulgare
This 3D Common Privet contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Common Privet is one of the most diffused shrubby species of the Mediterranean maquis and scrubland, especially in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. It thrives in the full sun. The name Ligustrum comes from the habit of Mediterranean populations to use the flexible branches to bind (“ligare” in Latin) things. In spite of the Southern origin it is a frost-resistant species and is widely used today all over the world for gardening as it makes excellent and good looking hedges and bushes.


The DVDs also include 1600 x 1600 Billboards and 1600 x 1600 Perspective Renders, each with alpha, for single polygon opacity mapping, or direct compositing.

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From FileJungle

In XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library vol.2 included:

- Acer platanoides
This 3D Norway Maple contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: Norway Maple is a popular choice for urban decoration around the world, especially for medium-sized streets and small parks. The Autumn colors are intense and varied. It is chosen as urban decoration because of it’s tolerance for air pollution in big cities. In the USA it has become an infesting species, because it takes the place of native essences.
- Buxus sempervirens
This 3D Boxwood contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Boxwood is a small tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean regions. In ancient Greece it used to be sacred to Ades, the infernal God, who protected the evergreen plants because they symbolized the ongoing life through the infernal season (the Winter). Today, the Boxwood has reached worldwide success as urban decoration species because of the dense foliage and exceptional tolerance to repeated pruning and shaping. Recently, creative gardeners have started to give birth also to unusual shapes such as those of animals.
- Buxus sempervirens hedges
This 3D Boxwood (hedges) contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The most popular use of Boxwood in urban decoration and topiary art, is to create hedges. The high density of the branches and leaves allows the expert gardeners to create almost any shape with a solid appearance. For this reason, the Boxwood has become the most important plant for the creation of Italian-style gardens. The wood of Boxwood is one of the hardest existing and is used industrially for many types of woodwork.
- Buxus sempervirens var. Aureomarginata
This 3D Golden-leaved Boxwood contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: This with the golden edged leaves is one of the several decorative cultivars derived from the wild species. Gardeners have to give special care and frequent pruning to this subspecies, because, if let grow freely and without selective pruning, the golden leaves will progressively disappear, giving room to the normal leaves, whose genes are dominant.
- Carpinus betulus hedges
This 3D European Hornbeam (hedges) contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The European Hornbeam is a medium sized tree, but in the countryside of the native areas, it is often found in the young, shrubby form, because it is rarely allowed to grow old and tall. It is a species that is hardy and rustic, and resists well to pollution and to pruning. For this reason, it is sometimes used for urban decoration also today, although it’s period of maximum popularity was in the 19th century. Here the species is presented as hedges, created by gardeners using the often multi-branching structure of the young exemplars.
- Carpinus betulus Hornbeam
This 3D European Hornbeam contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Latin name Carpinus comes from two Celtic words, “car"""""""" meaning wood, and “pin” meaning head. The reason is that in the past, the wood from this tree was used to build the yokes. It’s tolerance towards pruning makes it ideal for urban decoration. The life span of this species is relatively short (150 years of average life). It’s native range covers most Europe, except for Spain and for the lands north of Wales.
- Carpinus betulus hedges
This 3D European Hornbeam (hedges) contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The European Hornbeam is a medium sized tree, but in the countryside of the native areas, it is often found in the young, shrubby form, because it is rarely allowed to grow old and tall. It is a species that is hardy and rustic, and resists well to pollution and to pruning. For this reason, it is sometimes used for urban decoration also today, although it’s period of maximum popularity was in the 19th century. Here the species is presented as hedges, created by gardeners using the often multi-branching structure of the young exemplars.
- Chamaecyparis sp. bushes
This 3D False Cypress (bushes) contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: False-cypresses are a genus of trees that are native of the Northern Hemisphere. They are found (with different species) in Western North America and in Eastern Asia (Japan, China). It’s a tree that loves oceanic climate, with moderate temperatures all around the year. There are species of this tree that grow as shrubs, and are used in garden decoration to create bushes and edges, which look rich in foliage thanks to the dense evergreen crown.

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From FileJungle

In XfrogPlants Version 3.0 Landscaping Library vol.3 included:

- Platanus occidentalis
This 3D American Planetree contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The American Planetree is a majestic tree that is often found on humid areas in the plains and valleys of North America, especially in the East and Central regions. It loves wet, even sometimes swampy soils. Due to the resistance to atmospheric pollution and to the endurance of severe pruning, it has become a very popular urban decoration species, today diffused also in the Southern America.
- Prunus laurocerasus
This 3D Cherry Laurel contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Cherry Laurel is the most popular hedge species in many parts of Europe, but is now enjoining a large popularity worldwide, due to it’s ability to endure even the most severe pruning. It is a rustic species native of temperate mild areas but which can also stand night frost in the winter. All parts of the plants are deadly toxic for human because they contain Prussic acid. Birds, instead, are able to eat safely the abundant fruits.
- Taxus baccata
This 3D English Yew contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: In spite of the name, the English Yew is a Southern European tree, which can also be found on the Northern coasts of Africa. It is so poisonous that the Romans called it the “death tree” and used it as decoration for the funerals. It is edible for horses and cows. It is an ancient species which dates back to the Tertiary Era. It has a long life (more than 1500 years). It is appreciated in urban decoration and topiary art because it endures pruning well.
- Thuja plicata
This 3D Western Red Cedar contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Western Red Cedar is not a real Cedar but a member of the Cupressaceae family. It thrives in snowy winters and cool humid summers. The waterproof timber was used by Native Americans to build canoes and totems. It is popular in city parks for the majestic look. In spite of the attitude to grow big and tall, gardeners also prune it to shape low sized hedges, due to the ability of the plant to resist severe pruning.
- Thuja orientalis var. Aurea
This 3D Golden Oriental Arborvitae contains nine highly detailed, fully textured 3D models of the plant at different ages.
Notes: The Golden Oriental Arborvitae is a very popular shrub for gardens because it can survive well on its own, with little or no care by the owner. It thrives in sunny positions. Cones form as the shrub matures. It can be used stand alone, or in a row to create screens or hedges.

More info: http://issuu.com/

The DVDs also include 1600 x 1600 Billboards and 1600 x 1600 Perspective Renders, each with alpha, for single polygon opacity mapping, or direct compositing.

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Name: XfrogPlants Landscaping Library
Version: 3.0 vol.3
3D Models: .obj
Creator: http://xfrog.com/
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 1.0 Gb

From Wupload

From FileJungle
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