Flash Platform eBooks Collection 2011
English | 19 eBooks | PDF | 270MB
A collection of eBooks related to Design/Animation/Scripting & Development using Flash Professional and Flash Builder to create content for Desktop and Mobile (iOS, Android, Blackberry Tablet).
Here is a list of the books included:
Addison Wesley Developing Flex 4 Components - a great guide to understanding and creating Spark components
Animation with Scripting for Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - a neat set of design/animation solutions from Flash veteran Chris Georgenes with very useful tips on scripting Flash Professional for automation from Justin Putney
Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5 - A book on Android development using AIR and the Flex Framework and Flash Builder 4.5.
Blackberry Tablet Applications with Flex 4.5 - A book on Blackberry Tablet development using AIR and the Flex Framework and Flash Builder 4.5.
Flash Professional CS5 Visual Quickstart - a title suited for beginners who aim to master the Flash Professional authoring environment.
Flash Development for Android Cookbook - Over 90 recipies for Android apps using Flash,Flex and AIR
Flex 4 Fun - an easy to read collection of Flex 4 solutions.
Flash Mobile Developing Android and iOS Applications - titles says it all
Oreilly ActionScript Developers Guide to Robotlegs (Aug. 2011) - The 1st book to cover the Robotlegs micro framework, now standard in most digital agencies that use actionscript.
Oreilly Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR - Probably the best pure ActionScript guide to Android Development from ITP NYU lecturer Veronique Brossier
Away3D 3.6 Essentials - a great starting point for developers interested in 3D development in actionscript.
Away3D 3.6 Cookbook - a useful collection of solutions for common problems in software 3D development using the Away3D engine
Flash Game Development by Example - suitable for programming beginners focused on casual games development using ActionScript
iOS Development With Flash - an easy to read guide to iOS Development using Flash
haXe 2 Beginners Guide - haXe is an amazing language allowing developers to target ActionScript,JS, PHP and C++. If you're interested in a language that will allow your work to be published to Flash Player, JS (HTML5 Canvas and WebGL) and Mobile (Android and iOS through C++ targetting), then haXe is for you.
Pro Android Flash - yet another ActionScript/AIR/Android title, this time from Apress
ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University 2nd Edition - The revised version of a brilliant title on ActionScript game development
Real-World Flash Game Development 2nd Edition - Probably the best book on ActionScript Game Development as it includes a lot of concepts and insights from first hand experience
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