Photoshop 7 Down & Dirty Tricks
304 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:0735712379 | PDF | 58.5 Mb
Whatever you're looking for--type that looks distressed, made of gel, or carved in stone; shadows in perspective or in motion; text that wraps around a globe; a glinting starburst on the edge of an object; a logo artificially placed at the bottom of a pool; or a starry sky created in an instant--just about every trick is here. And most are done in 10 steps or less. Also, each page has a Quick Tip sidebar (there're over 200 of them) that are worth the price of the book alone, with everything from getting better results from your eyedropper tool (click on Options and change the Point Sample to "3 by 3 average") to the quickest way to change units of measurement (the secret is in the Info palette).
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