V.me saingan Paypal?

Selain dari service yang dimiliki, saya sangat salut dengan domain yang dimiliki. HAnYA SATU HURUF!!

Untuk service mereka memberikan account seperti paypal, yang kira-kira sistemnya kita memberika data Kartu kredit ke V.me dan dia akan menyediakan account untuk pembayaran seperti layaknya paypal.

namun ini akan launching pada tahun 2012.

Coming soon.

V.me is scheduled to launch in 2012. Explore the site to learn more about V.me.
Saya belum tahu apakah bisa dapat dipercaya layaknya PAYPAL atau hanya spintas lalu saja. Setidaknya makin banyak penyedia situs seperti PAYPAL. Kita akan tunggu kehadiran dari service yang dimiliki V.me.

Resiko grab posting orang / blackhat

Mendapatkan posting tanpa susah payah atau bahasanya auto posting dengan grab tanpa trik adalah ini. Saya alami mungkin sudah 3 hari, tapi baru saya posting. Saya mendapatkan alexa ranking yang menurun. NO DATA from alexa ranking. ya itulah resiko grab posting tanpa di timbun atau disimpan dulu sebagai draft. Jadi bila kalian ingin melakukan grab posting sebaiknya disimpan di draft dulu nah baru lakukan posting maksimal 5 posting sehari. Memang tidak autoposting namun mnegurangi resiko yang akan kalian dapatkan.

Untuk grab posting yang saya maksud adalah grab posting dari post yang dimiliki oleh blogspot via RSSFEED. Baik caranya (edit link propertis atau rss feed propertis juga harus diperhatikan, karena google juga sudah punya data link rssfed propertis dari masing2 blog.

So, i can say be carefully with your action if you want to grab another posting!

Flash .ocx Component in Power Builder

Saya pernah membahas flash di powerbuilder, mungkin programmer Visual Basic atau VB sering menggunakan flash atau swflash.ocx untuk memasang swf di window form program.

Kemarin saya mencoba untuk file berikut :
  1. flash.ocx
  2. swflash.ocx---> tampil Flash player 5
  3. flash9b.ocx, flash9c.ocx, flash9d.ocx. ---> tampil di PB Flash player 9-10

dari percobaan bahwa (yg saya dapat) beda komputer (OS) beda cara kawan.

untuk digunakan file harus di register dulu, karena saya menggunakan win 7 maka caranya:

Buka command prompt sebagai admin ketik regserv32 namafile.ocx

exp: regserv32 swflash.ocx

Setelah itu baru akan tampil di OLE Control pada power builder.

Demikian penjelasan singkat. Semoga bermanfaat.

BLACKHAT : Blogger atau Plagiator yang untung?

Pernah dengar copy paste article? atau merubah beberapa link affiliasi dari artikel yang kita copy?
Anda pernah baca be Carefully when you grab full rss feed from blogspot Nah itu salah satu yang dinamakan blackhat pada blogger, karena bila dengan wordpress lebih mudah lagi.

Okay, kenapa saya beri judul Blackhat : blogger/plagiator yang untung?. Nah mari kita bahas :
Agar article kita banyak atau mau dibilang bermutu, copy paste article yang dari suatu blog atau web yang ber-PR tinggi. Saya juga melakukkan hal itu, huufz.

Nah yang sering saya temui blog dengan mendownload file, ini yang akan kita bahas.
Keuntungan dari copy paste article mendownload file; baik video, movie, application etc :
  1. Kita mendapatkan article yang banyak tanpa bersusah payah.
  2. Kita mendapatkan konten yang "terkadang" cocok dengan blog kita.
  3. Kita tak peru repot mencari link di free file hosting atau tempat file download
  4. Kita tak peru repot apakah link valid atau tidak (karena bila tidak valid, kita juga tidak bisa upload untuk memperbaiki broken link-nya *waxaxaxaxa*)

Kerugian dari copy paste article mendownload file; baik video, movie, application etc :

  1. Kita membantu earning yang punya blog/web jika ada link affiliasi (copast mentah-mentah).
  2. Kita membantu backlink bila yang memiliki blog memasang backlink post pada setiap posting (copast mentah-mentah).
  3. Kita juga membantu earning untuk download file (exp: ziddu.com). Blog kita ramai tapi empunya link download yang untung.

Intinya itu hukum alam, kita dapat posting tapi kita bayar dia (walau dia juga mungkin copast namun merubah link affiliasi).

Untuk hal ini terserah Anda bersikap. Namun dengan menggunakan link redirect yang membayar kita, kita juga bisa dapat untung kok. daftarnya silahkan tanya google.

Resiko kita harus edit ulang setiap post yang kita grab dengan blackhat. JADI SEMUA ADA RESIKO BILA INGIN MENDAPATKAN SESUATU. Ya Alhamdulillah Susanto gitu ya. * waxaxaxaxa*

Belajar Powerbuilder 12 Evaluation

Sulitnya belajar powerbuilder di Indonesia, Sebenarnya apa sih powerbuilder? Sejenak saya terangkan apa yg saya tahu. Hampir sama dengan Visual Basic namun sudah terintegrasi dengan database, jadi anda mau pakai database apasaja mudah untuk koneksi. itu pejeasan simple dari saya.

Pertama saya kenal dari suatu BUMN yang butuh tenaga IT di bidang ini. cari ebook, jangan merasa mudah dengan tanya mbah. hehehe. Setiap link tentang sybase, hilang dari free file hosting. Hebat untuk team sybase. rajin banget. waxaxaxax.

Mau belajar, ya harus ada programnya dulu, download dari sybase.com sekarang sudah Powerbuilder 12.5 .NET. Tapi namanya orang berbeda2, disini kita harus memasukkan email untuk mendownload dengan identitas diri. Keuntungannya apa ya? mau masuk forum daftar lagi.\\

Neh link download langsung ingat ini TRIAL. Alasan web blog buat belajar saya berhenti update posting tentang PB karena di tanya pusatnya apa mengunakan PB asli? wuihhhh ngeri amat.

Semoga bermanfaat .

Apikasi Parkir dengan PHP

suatu ketertarikan tidak akan timbul jika tidak kita butuhkan. Coba cari di google dengan keyword Apikasi Parkir dengan PHP, banyak yang menjual script atau aplikasi ini. huufz, memang susah untuk berkembang di Indonesia, uang suit dicari, ilmu juga suit didapat.

Mungkin di blog bung Xenanga.com bisa di dapatkan urlnya, hari ini saya coba ke web tersebut, berhasil pada halaman index.php padahal kemarin sudah dapat source code nya. hehhehe. Tapi malah dapat berita dari hostingnya.

Website Under Review

You are seeing this page because the system administrator of 000webhost.com is currently checking this website for malicious content. This redirect page will be removed once we finish manually checking all files on this account. Since we check over 100 websites per day, it can take about 2-4 hours to complete. If you are the owner of this website, you will get an email confirmation once it's done. If you are a visitor, please come back later.

Berikut yang saya bisa jelaskan, selanjutnya tanya xenanga saja ya.
  1. File harus dirubah file php.ini untuk register_global menjadi on.
  2. Memiliki menu, kendaraan masuk, kendaraan keluar, admin password, laporan detail, ubah password, setting harga, kendaraan hanya 3 jenis (motor, mobil pribadi dan mobil box/barang)
  3. Saat checkin, kita memilih di combobox jenis kendaraan dan memasukkan no kendaraan.
  4. Bila kita memasukkan no kendaraan yang sama akan error (peringatan bahwa mobil ada di parkir).
  5. Pada saat checkout masukkan no kendaraan maka akan ada tampilan (table form) untuk print bill atau karcis beserta waktu lama parkir dan biaya.
  6. Bila sudah keluar dan kendaraan masuk lagi berhasil tanpa error. nice work xenanga.
  7. Settingan tarif parkir untuk pembulatan harga pada waktu, harga max (bila lebih dari itu atas lama waktu parkir maka harga maksimal yang digunakan) , dan masing-masing tarif pada jenis kendaraan.
  8. Jenis kendaraan tidak bisa ditambah otomatis, bisa kita rubah di file php.
  9. Laporan bisa disetting berdasarkan tanggal dan ada print out dengan data detail, jumlah kendaraan, jumlah pemasukan, no, nama kendaraan, jenis, saat dan waktu lama parkir.
  10. Oia saya menggunakan php 4 dan xampp.
  11. NB. di freewebhosting tidak ada menu login karena bermasalah pada file php.ini (mengapa xenanga tidak menggunakan file .httaccess - whose know about it)

Demikian saya terangkan berdasarkan file yang saya miliki. selanjutnya hubungi mas xenanga. Sayang tidak diupload di hosting berbayar jadi harus di review pihak hosting, Smoga teman2 masih dapat mengakses SISTEM APLIKASI PARKIR by XENANGA.

Tutorial memasang Flash di Powerbuilder

Berdasarkan permintaan dari saudara Bheno (sayang tidak memasang link atau email)
di shoutmix/shoutbox di sebelah kiri blog ini.

bheno bagaimana cara menapilkan flash di power builder ?
Biasanya saya kurang menggunakan flash, karena cukup dengan mengganti skin pada powerbuilder bagi saya sudah cukup. Memang hal ini (memasang flash pada powerbuilder jarang digunakan). Selain karena Powerbuilder notabene sebagai data aplikasi bukan data animasi. hehehe. Berikut hasilnya screenshot.

Tapi itu juga memacu saya, (thanks bheno). Mari kita belajar powerbuider untuk memasang flash atau file swf.
  1. Saya menggunakan Powerbuilder 10
  2. Tidak menggunakan file ocx seperti flash.ocx, swflash.ocx atau pun flash9b.ocx, flash9c.ocx, flash9d.ocx. (untuk keterangan posting selanjutnya akan saya terangkan perbedaan masing2)
  3. Buka window yang mau dipasang file swf (saya tidak terangkan detail menggunakan atau membuat window form)
  4. Pilih toolbox untuk membuat command button, lalu cari gambar segitiga dengan help point OLE.
  5. Akan tampil new form pilih tab Insert Control.
  6. Piih Microsoft Web Browser.
  7. Pada window yang kita buat, ketikkan powerscript berikut :

//Saya asumsikan nama OLE default yaitu ole_1


//untuk file swf yang diletakkan pada satu folder dengan aplikasi gunakan script berikut.


Jangan lupa gunakan tanda slah ( \ ). Tanpa itu saya coba file swf tidak tampil.

Demikian trackfree.blogspot.com memberikan Tutorial memasang Flash di Powerbuilder. Semoga bermanfaat.

be Carefully when you grab full rss feed from blogspot

Be carefully when you want to grab some or all news/article from blogspot via rss feed. You can read how to get it :) Just search in Google. Actually we must search blogspot with classic feed url, without feedburner or feed google. But when you grabbed all article, you must replace some text.

Coba bahasa inggris kawan, intinya hati-hati bila mau ambil artikel dari blogspot via rss feed. Bila kalian menemukan artikel yang bagus, ya ambil aja, resiko tanggung sendiri ya. Saya pribadi sudah coba, dan hasilnya 1 minggu blog tidak bisa di akses dan yang saya tidak edit di tahan oleh blogger. MELANGGAR TOS BLOGGER !!!

Untuk yang saya ambil artikelnya saya hanya coba aja buat praktek, Mohon maaf atas copyright yang sudah ada. Maklum saya cuma nubie. (^_^). Yang pasti saya tidak mengambil keuntungan dalam bisnis, Anda bisa lihat trackgadget.blogspot.com. Itu hasil olahan yang saya ambil dari blogspot via rss feed. Jangan lupa Full RSS Feed.

Itu juga masih bisa di grab bagi anda yang mau artikel tersebut, aslinya dari www.Gadget.com, untuk blogspot saya lupa urlnya karena kemarin rencana hanya coba dan melihat reaksi yang saya dapat dari google dan alexa. Apa autoblog grab (bukan auto blog periodik = posting berdasarkan tanggal) berakiabat hebat atau hanya blackhat yang merusak saja.

Nah lo jauh amat dari judul kang, mas, om. Ok, dari yang saya lihat selama 2 minggu ini, blog tersebut ditahan atau tidak tampil di dashboard selama 1 minggu, saya tidak tahu kenapa? karena jangan tanyakan alasan dari kesalahan yang jelas kita lakukan. :)

Untuk Anda yang ingin coba, jangan lupa untuk melakukan replace kata-kata berikut untuk grab data artikel dari blogspot via RSS Feed :

1. Replace author yang ada.
2. Replace Url yang Ada dengan milik Anda (jadi anda harus buat nama xxx.blogspot.com milik Anda.
3. Replace nomor Rss Feed yang ada, jgn tanya saya. cari lah sendiri. Yang pasti itu semua berupa angka.

- copast tanpa edit ---> hasil BANNED.
- copast ganti author ---> hasil keliahatan link pemilik blog asli.
- copast ganti link ---> selama ini aman saja.

Untuk yang mau main refferal dari amazon, jangan lupa untuk replace/ganti link affiliasi dengan punya Anda. Bila tidak di ganti malah yang punya dapet bonusnya. hahahaha. Maling tapi dikerjain juga. hahhaha

Tapi saya sarankan untuk lakukan ini buat belajar, bukan buat cari duit ya. Nti kalo tidak berkah hasilnya gimana?

Download Film via Mediafire

Copast gan....
Download movie Beyond the Blackboard, Animals United, Babies, Barry Munday, Oliver Twist, American: The Bill Hicks Story, Miral, Freakonomics, Bi, Don't Be Afraid ( Bi, đừng sợ ), Floating Lives ( Cánh Đồng Bất Tận ), All Men Are Brothers / 新水滸傳/ Thủy Hử, Minuscule, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Drive Angry 3D, Meet Joe Black, Criminal, Carancho, Schindler's List, Hitler: The Rise of Evil, Underbelly Files: The Man Who Got Away

Ini saya ambil dari movie88.net

Ya kamu bisa donwload film walau emang ga terlalu up to date, tp lumayan bisa download via Mediafire. Tapi jangan nafsu juga, karena ga semua di mediafire, kalau saya liat ada juga yang di mega upload tanpa mirror.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Lama tidak Update

Lama sudah tidak update blog, banyak sudah berubah kehidupan maya ini. Makin banyak yang jadi master. Mangtaf dunia !!!!

Tapi ilmu tidak akan berguna jika tidak di ajarkan, bagus lagi kalau gratis. hahahaha. Kecuali emang butuh dana, jadi bisa dijual.

Wordpress update baru di hack

Untuk yan memiliki wordpress, mau yang baru atawa yang lama. Harus berhati-hati.
Ini pengalaman ane, yang buta blog (sebenernya nerusin website) yang pertama kali make wordpress, tp buat perusahaan gitu.

Baru beberapa haari/ blum sampai sebulan sudah kena hack.
Wordpress yang saya gunakan versi baru 3.21 gitu kayaknya. :)Yang main-main itu yang diatas.

Yang terjadi (mohon koreksi kalau kurang), cuma :
1. Ganti index.php wordpress.
2. Ganti password wp-admin
3. Ganti email admin kalo gak salah namanya qwerty_hackyou@yahoo.com

Yang pasti saya terimakasih sama beliau, karena tidak merusaka data yang ada. Cuma kasih tahu security yang dipakai kurang bagus.

Mungkin bisa dipakai plugin, saya blum tahu hasilnya, tp dari yang dikasih mbah gugel adalah plugin :
1. Wordpress Firewall
2. Lock Down
3. Security Scanner
4. Exploit

mungkin masih banyak yang lainnya. tapi cukup itu dulu aja. mungkin bermanfaat

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual | 1.50 Gb

Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 10 — the newest version of the #1 consumer photo editing software1 — helps you turn everyday memories into sensational photos you'll cherish forever. Easily edit photos and make photo creations using automated options, share photos with your social network, and view photos virtually anywhere you are.2 Award winning for 10 years!

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64)

Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64)
Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64) | 127.03 Mb

Agisoft PhotoScan software automatically builds textured 3D models using digital photos of the scene. Allows for precise textured mesh models reconstruction.

About Agisoft

Agisoft is an innovative research company developing outstanding solutions based on the computer vision technologies. The majority of implemented algorithms are highly optimized for real-time application, they can obtain data from different sources in many formats, were tested and tuned in many different setups and configurations.

Agisoft is an innovative research company developing outstanding solutions based on the computer vision technologies. The majority of implemented algorithms are highly optimized for real-time application, they can obtain data from different sources in many formats, were tested and tuned in many different setups and configurations.

For rapid development of custom computer vision systems all modules are standardized by API, and a universal testbed has been developed for testing different image processing pipeline setups and result analysis.

Using these techniques, existing technologies form the complete basis for intelligent image processing and enable us to develop custom image processing systems for particular tasks, which are fast, stable and efficient.

About Agisoft PhotoScan

Agisoft PhotoScan is an advanced image-based 3D modeling solution for creating professional quality 3D content from still images. Based on the latest multi-view 3D reconstruction technology, it operates on arbitrary images and is efficient in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions.

Homepage: http://www.anonymz.com/?http://www.agisoft.ru

Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64)

From Wupload

From FileJungle

AVS All-In-One Install Package

AVS All-In-One Install Package
AVS All-In-One Install Package | 277.27 MB

AVS All-In-One Install Package - a powerful multimedia package consisting of more than 15 applications such as: AVS Video Converter, AVS Video Editor, AVS Video ReMaker, AVS Audio Converter, AVS Audio Editor, AVS Audio Recorder, AVS Disc Creator, AVS DVD Authoring, AVS DVD Copy, AVS Ringtone Maker, AVS Media Player, AVS Registry Cleaner, AVS Image Converter, AVS Photo Editor, AVS Cover Editor etc. All programs have a English and Russian interface.

List of programs that are multimidiyny package:

AVS Video Converter - convert video to ALL KEY FORMATS with AVS Video Converter. Create HD-, Blu-ray videos with enhanced menus. ?onvert files for various devices and upload videos on popular websites directly from the program interface.

AVS Video Editor - edit your video recordings and make your own movie with a few simple drag-and-drops. Enhance your videos with effects, menus and audio, so that they have a professional look.

AVS Video ReMaker - edit video files without reconversion. Cut unwanted scenes from videos recorded with various PVR, DVR & DVD camcorders. Insert DVD and Blu-ray menus. AVS Audio Converter - convert between most known audio file types - MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A, FLAC, PCM, OGG, AAC, AMR and others. Create ringtones, use batch mode, apply effects and custom parameters.

AVS Audio Editor - edit your audio files with AVS Audio Editor . Cut, split, merge, record, apply various effects. Save output files to all key audio formats. AVS Audio Recorder - AVS Audio Recorder is a compact audio program that records audio data from various devices. A user-friendly interface makes work with AVS Audio Recorder easy and convenient.

AVS Disc Creator - simple and intuitive interface, a variety of hot features and supported media types make AVS Disc Creator a most convenient and demanded software to make home video DVD copies, create DVD discs for home DVD and Blu-Ray players and perform other burning tasks.

AVS DVD Authoring - AVS DVD Authoring is an easy-to-use disc authoring and burning software that lets you do more with digital media. It has been designed to help you organize your video footage into a professional and good-looking DVD project.

AVS DVD Copy - simple one-click interface, a variety of hot features and supported media types make AVS DVD Copy a most convenient and demanded software to make home video DVD copies. AVS Ringtone Maker - AVS Ringtone Maker is a compact full-featured ringtone composer software which allows you to create your own custom ringtones from any sound, be it your favorite song, your friends' voices, your kids' laugh, your cat or your doorbell. The best way to add an air of individuality to your cell phone!

AVS Media Player - watch video, play audio and view your pictures with AVS Media Player . The program combines rich functionality and a user-friendly interface. AVS Registry Cleaner - scan, clean and fix your PC Windows registry. Remove obsolete, harmful or unused items from the registry. Make your PC operate safe and fast.

AVS Image Converter - convert piles of images to all key formats at one go! Make quick adjustments - resize, rotate, apply auto-correction settings. Select between a number of effects. Get your pictures ready to be printed or uploaded to websites!

AVS Photo Editor - improve your photos - adjust size, zoom, change and improve colors, sharpen objects shapes. Apply pre-made effects. Make your photos look perfect. AVS Document Converter - is designed to view and convert various types of documents. It reads text and image files and converts them to PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, ODT, HTML, JPEG, TIFF, EPUB and other formats.

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Serif PhotoPlus X5

Serif PhotoPlus X5
Serif PhotoPlus X5 | 294 MB

Take photos then make them great with PhotoPlus X5. Use it to edit, enhance, and organise your entire image collection. Remove red eye, restore old photos, add amazing effects and everything in between. You can even perform advanced tasks like editing Raw files, HDR image merging and more.

Fast, Powerful and Intuitive Photo Editing

- Incredibly easy to use interactive ‘How To’ guides and great tutorials
- Apply non-destructive adjustments and filters
- Create stunning photo effects with easy High Dynamic Range (HDR) image merging
- Quickly and accurately remove people and objects from photographs
- Bring old and damaged photos back to life with restore and repair tools
- View, organise and share images with PhotoPlus Organiser
- Compatible with all popular image formats including Raw files

Home Page - http://www.serif.com/photoplus/

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK)

Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK)
Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK)
English | PDF | 116 pages | 52.5 Mb

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK)

Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK)
Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK)
English | PDF | 76 pages | 31.4 Mb

Technology news, website reviews, free software, internet security and broadband help plus hundreds of funny websites and videos from WebUser, the UK best-selling internet magazine

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Android Development Ebooks 2011

Android Development Ebooks 2011
Android Development Ebooks 2011
English | 17 eBooks | PDF | 472MB

Android development ebooks PDF 2011

Apress.-.Android.Apps.for.Absolute.Beginners.2011.pdf 68.15 MB
Apress.-.Practical.Android.Projects.-PIC-.2011.pdf 61.75 MB
Wiley.-.Amazing.Android.Apps.for.Dummies.2011.pdf 38.06 MB
Wrox.Beginning.Android.Application.Development.Apr.2011.pdf 35.74 MB
Wiley.-.Beginning.Android.Application.Development.2011.pdf 35.54 MB
Apress.-.Pro.Andoid.3.2011.pdf 34.12 MB
CommonsWare.-.The.Busy.Coders.Guide.to.Android.Development.2011.pdf 32.66 MB
Wiley.-.Android.Application.Development.for.Dummies.2011.pdf 31.75 MB
Apress.-.Beginning.Android.Games.2011.pdf 26.52 MB
CommonsWare.-.Android.Programming.Tutorials.2011.pdf 23.37 MB
OReilly.-.Learning.Android.2011.pdf 17.38 MB
Elsevier-Flash.Mobile.Developing.Android.and.iOS.Applications.2011.pdf 13.89 MB
Apress.-.Pro.Android.Web.Apps.2011.pdf 13.41 MB
Manning.-.Android.in.Action.2nd.Edition.2011.pdf 13.38 MB
OReilly-Droid.X.The.Missing.Manual.2011.pdf 12.77 MB
Packt.-.Android.User.Interface.Development.Beginners.Guide.2011.pdf 10.28 MB
reverse-engineering-malware-android.pdf 3.52 MB

From Wupload

From FileJungle

American PHOTO - December 2011

American PHOTO - December 2011
American PHOTO - December 2011
English | PDF | 88 pages | 30.8 Mb

For professional and aspiring photographers, American Photo magazine highlights equipment, developments and industry news. Each bimonthly issue includes profiles of photographers, reviews of photography books and exhibits and technical updates.

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011]

Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011]
Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011]
English | PDF | Years: 2008-2011 | ISSN: 1528-5286 | 2.62 GB

More than 100 years, Professional Photographer (US) is the official journal of Professional Photographers of America. The publication helps readers to be advanced in the photographic industry. Each issue contains practical and cutting-edge professional photography lessons. No other magazine does not offer a more powerful people's ideas, trends, products, and enhance photos, portraits, weddings, and commercial landscapes.


Professional Photographer 2008-01 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-02 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-03 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-04 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-05 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-06 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-07 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-08 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-09 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-10 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-11 (US)
Professional Photographer 2008-12 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-01 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-02 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-03 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-04 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-05 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-06 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-07 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-08 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-09 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-10 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-11 (US)
Professional Photographer 2009-12 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-01 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-02 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-03 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-04 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-05 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-06 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-07 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-08 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-09 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-10 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-11 (US)
Professional Photographer 2010-12 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-01 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-02 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-03 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-04 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-05 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-06 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-07 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-08 (US)
Professional Photographer 2011-09 (US)

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection

Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection
Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection
English | PDF | 1.21GB

Kitchen Garden Magazine - UK's No.1 for growing your own fruit and vegetables. KG also offers great monthly give-aways, special gardening offers, recipes, growing tips and much more.

From Wupload
http://www.wupload.com/file/200855950/Kitchen Garden.part5.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200855951/Kitchen Garden.part1.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200862465/Kitchen Garden.part2.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200862456/Kitchen Garden.part3.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200862458/Kitchen Garden.part4.rar

From FileJungle

SKI Magazine 2008-2011

SKI Magazine 2008-2011
SKI Magazine 2008-2011
Engliah | PDF | 1.2GB

SKI is the original, largest and most recognized ski publication in the world. Passionately committed to helping readers decide where to ski, what to ski and how to ski, SKI is the authority on resorts, equipment and instruction.

From Wupload
http://www.wupload.com/file/200855949/SKI MAGAZINE.part4.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200860229/SKI MAGAZINE.part2.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200860240/SKI MAGAZINE.part1.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200862454/SKI MAGAZINE.part3.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/200862460/SKI MAGAZINE.part5.rar

From FileJungle

Macworld - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Macworld - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Macworld - November 2011
English | HQ PDF | 112 pages | 72 Mb

Macworld Magazine: since its inception in 1984, the Macintosh has been pioneering the world of computers. And Macworld magazine keeps you abreast of the continuing computer developments being made by the Mac. Macintosh users can rely on Macworld's incisive product reviews, in-depth feature, articles, technical pointers, buying tips and Labs-based performance reports. With specialized up dates on desktop publishing, graphics, connectivity and telecommunications.

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From FileJungle

Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF)

Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF)
Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF)
English | 52 pages | HQ PDF | 36.50 Mb

Pro Photo Connection is a full service photo specialty store catering to the needs of students, amateur and professional photographers in Orange County for over 25 years.

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
English | 82 pages | HQ PDF | 59.50 Mb

Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine was a pioneer in personal finance journalism. Founded in 1947, this magazine lends a hand to more than one million subscribers a month. Issue after issue, Kiplinger's shows readers how to manage their money better, get ahead on their careers, buy insurance and minimize taxes.

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From FileJungle

American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF)

American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF)
American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF)
English | 88 pages | HQ PDF | 54.50 Mb

American PHOTO is the premier showcase for outstanding photography. A reflection of contemporary culture through the camera's lens, it inspires professionals and sophisticated amateurs alike with its coverage of art, fashion, journalism celebrity, sports, politics and advertising. American PHOTO is a stunning visual commentary on our world, featuring masters of photography among others. Each issue also includes technical data on the featured images as well as the behind-the-scenes anecdotes that relate to the shot.

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From FileJungle

Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF)

Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF)
Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF)
English | 228 pages | HQ PDF | 162.00 Mb

Landscape Photography Made Easy is a comprehensive guide to improving your outdoor photography. From the makers of Digital Camera and PhotoPlus magazines, this 228-page special is packed with step-by-step advice showing you how to shoot and edit beautiful landscape images. Illustrated with inspirational colour photographs, it features advice from top landscape photographers, as well as providing guides to the best kit

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From FileJungle

Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011

Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011
Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011
English | True PDF | 36 pages | 22.4 Mb

Carolina Arts & Sciences is the alumni magazine of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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From FileJungle

Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011 (HQ PDF)

Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011 (HQ PDF)
Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011
English | HQ PDF | 100 pages | 82.4 Mb

Amateur Photographer is the most authoritative and influential photographic magazine in the UK. With its unique weekly format, it is the first for news and equipment tests. Regular features on reader portfolios, darkroom, digital, black and white and photographer profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered. Subscribe today to never miss an issue and ensure that you receive free delivery direct to your door every month! Amatuer Photographer is a weekly photography magazine containing news and product tests, plus interviews and articles on technique. This is the oldest photography magazine in the world, dating back to 1884.

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From FileJungle

Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 104.00 Mb

Custom PC is the essential read for performance hardware and customisation. Every issue gives you impartial advice performance hardware , advanced tips on self-building and customising, reviews and insider information - guaranteed to boost your PC performance.

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Kelby Training - Photographing Children

Kelby Training - Photographing Children
Kelby Training - Photographing Children
English | 01:09:26 | 854x480 | H264 | 29.97fps 1331kbps | AAC 128kbps | 360MB
Genre: eLearning

Capturing the personality of a child in a photo is challenging. A photographer has a limited amount of time to find what it is about that child that will make a great photo. Some kids are shy and some are outgoing. The trick is to take what they offer and be ready for the unexpected. Photographer Jack Reznicki goes through a series of portrait sessions with children, ranging in age from infant to toddler, to preteen. Jacks rules for children are simple: The first rule is to have fun. The second rule is to be flexible. The third rule is to throw out all the rules. Join Jack for some great instruction and tips for photographing children.

Introduction (06:19)
Baby Wrangler (09:10)
Second Baby Shoot (03:06)
Third Baby (03:42)
Serious Toddler (04:55)
Patience (06:05)
More Bubbles (04:02)
Two Girls (04:03)
Rock Star (05:17)
Pizza Pie and Cheeseburgers (03:47)
Facial Expressions (06:05)
Solid Colored Tshirts (06:15)
Just Hanging Out (04:38)
Conclusion (02:02)
TOTAL: 01:09:26

Kelby Training - Photographing Children

From Wupload

From FileJungle

BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011

BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011
BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011
English | PDF | 1.0GB

BBC's Good Food Middle East is a must have for everyone who loves cooking, eating and dining out. It’s full of mouth-watering ideas for quick everyday dishes, inspirational entertaining and every recipe you’ve ever dreamed of – all devised to save you time and effort.

From Wupload
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238659/BBC Good Food.part3.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238660/BBC Good Food.part2.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238661/BBC Good Food.part5.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238662/BBC Good Food.part1.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238663/BBC Good Food.part4.rar

From FileJungle

3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG]

3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG]
3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG]
English | PDF | 116 pages | 454 MB

3D World - is the best-selling international magazine for 3D artists, covering the fields of animation, VFX, games, illustration and architecture. Each issue provides analysis of latest trends in the market, artistic and technical advice, impartial product reviews, and exclusive behind-the-scenes articles on the making of key projects in this fast-paced industry. For those wanting to improve their technical skills, the magazine provides tutorials, tips and step-by-step guides covering every major 3D software package, from freeware to professional applications such as 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, LightWave 3D and Softimage.

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From FileJungle

IEEE Computer magazine (2004-2011) collection

Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection

Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection
Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection
English | Years: 2004-2011 | ISSN: 0271-4159 | PDF | 964 MB

2004 №01-12
2005 №01-12
2006 №01-12
2007 №01-12
2008 №01-12
2009 №01-12
2010 №01-12
2011 №01-07

From Wupload

From FileJungle

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography
Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography
255 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:1435458842 | PDF | 10.5 Mb

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography teaches photographers how to take the concepts of fashion photography (including preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing) and apply these techniques to their portrait and wedding photography. By adding fashion flair to their work, photographers can distinguish themselves from their competition and demand a higher price for their images and creativity. Fashion photographers use preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing techniques to achieve the desired visual effects in their high-end shoots

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From FileJungle

iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps

iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps
iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps
554 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:0321771621 | PDF | 55.5 Mb

Obsessed with the instant gratification of taking pictures with his iPhone, designer-photographer Dan Marcolina dedicated an entire year to a series of mobile image experiments. His amazing results and the post-processing steps on the iPhone to achieve them can be found in this gorgeous four-color photography guide.

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From FileJungle

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop
Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop
225 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:0321725549 | PDF | 85.5 Mb

Each year, Scott Kelby, Editor-in-Chief of Photoshop User magazine and the #1 best-selling Photoshop author, trains literally thousands of photographers on how to retouch portraits using Photoshop through his live seminars, online classes, DVDs, and standing-room only workshops at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo. Now you can learn the same techniques he uses in his own retouching workflow, in the only book of its kind–one written expressly for photographers who do their own retouching. As a pro photographer himself, Scott understands that photographers make their living shooting, not retouching. But, delivering fully retouched images is now expected by clients

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From FileJungle

Science for the Curious Photographer An Introduction to the Science of Photography

Science for the Curious Photographer An Introduction to the Science of Photography
Science for the Curious Photographer: An Introduction to the Science of Photography
221 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN: 1568815816| PDF | 10.5 Mb

This is a photography book for those who love science and like to understand how things work. It begins with an introduction to the history and science of photography and addresses questions about the principles of photography, such as why a camera needs a lens, how lenses work, and why modern lenses are so complicated. Digital photography raises more questions because enlarged images on computer screens reveal defects in color and resolution that are not obvious in small snapshots. What limits resolution, what is "noise" in images, and what level of detail can be appreciated by an observer

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From FileJungle

Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011]

Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011]
Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011]
English | PDF | Genre: Photography | 4.34 GB

Digital Camera World - the popular English-language magazine about photographs, photographic and image processing. In the collection are issues of the journal Digital Camera World + 2 Christmas special edition of Digital Camera World Christmas.

Digital Camera World November 2002
Digital Camera World December 2002
Digital Camera World January 2003
Digital Camera World February 2003
Digital Camera World March 2003
Digital Camera World April 2003
Digital Camera World May 2003
Digital Camera World June 2003
Digital Camera World July 2003
Digital Camera World August 2003
Digital Camera World September 2003
Digital Camera World October 2003
Digital Camera World November 2003
Digital Camera World December 2003
Digital Camera World February 2004
Digital Camera World March 2004
Digital Camera World April 2004
Digital Camera World May 2004
Digital Camera World June 2004
Digital Camera World July 2004
Digital Camera World August 2004
Digital Camera World September 2004
Digital Camera World October 2004
Digital Camera World November 2004
Digital Camera World December 2004
Digital Camera World January 2005
Digital Camera World February 2005
Digital Camera World March 2005
Digital Camera World April 2005
Digital Camera World May 2005
Digital Camera World June 2005
Digital Camera World July 2005
Digital Camera World August 2005
Digital Camera World December 2005
Digital Camera World Christmas 2003
Digital Camera World Christmas 2004
Digital Camera World January 2006
Digital Camera World March 2006
Digital Camera World June 2006
Digital Camera World July 2006
Digital Camera World October 2006
Digital Camera World Autumn November 2006
Digital Camera World December 2006
Digital Camera World January 2007
Digital Camera World February 2007
Digital Camera World March 2007
Digital Camera World April 2007
Digital Camera World June 2007
Digital Camera World July 2007
Digital Camera World August 2007
Digital Camera World September 2007
Digital Camera World October 2007
Digital Camera World Autumn November 2007
Digital Camera World December 2007
Digital Camera World January 2008
Digital Camera World February 2008
Digital Camera World March 2008
Digital Camera World April 2008
Digital Camera World May 2008
Digital Camera World June 2008
Digital Camera World July 2008
Digital Camera World August 2008
Digital Camera World September 2008
Digital Camera World October 2008
Digital Camera World November 2008
Digital Camera World Autumn 2008
Digital Camera World December 2008
Digital Camera World January 2009
Digital Camera World March 2009
Digital Camera World April 2009
Digital Camera World May 2009
Digital Camera World June 2009
Digital Camera World July 2009
Digital Camera World August 2009
Digital Camera World September 2009
Digital Camera World October 2009
Digital Camera World November 2009
Digital Camera World Autumn 2009
Digital Camera World December 2009
Digital Camera World January 2010
Digital Camera World February 2010
Digital Camera World March 2010
Digital Camera World April 2010
Digital Camera World Spring 2010
Digital Camera World May 2010
Digital Camera World June 2010
Digital Camera World July 2010
Digital Camera World August 2010
Digital Camera World September 2010
Digital Camera World October 2010
Digital Camera World November 2010
Digital Camera World December 2010
Digital Camera World January 2011
Digital Camera World February 2011
Digital Camera World April 2011
Digital Camera World June 2011
Digital Camera World July 2011
Digital Camera World August 2011
Digital Camera World September 2011
Digital Camera World October 2011

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From FileJungle

PC Gamer 2011 full collection

PC Gamer 2011 full collection
English | PDF | 836MB

PC Gamer is a magazine founded in Britain in 1993 devoted to PC gaming and published monthly by Future Publishing. The magazine has several regional editions, with the UK and US editions becoming the best selling PC games magazines in their respective countries. The magazine features news on developments in the video game industry, previews of new games, and reviews of the latest popular PC games, along with other features relating to hardware, mods, "classic" games and various other topics.

From Wupload
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238668/PC GAMER - 2011.part3.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238669/PC GAMER - 2011.part2.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238670/PC GAMER - 2011.part4.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/180238671/PC GAMER - 2011.part1.rar

From FileJungle

Auto WD