Using SQL in the Powerbuilder IDE
Here is an example of a datawindow SQL select statement.
Example - SQL Select
The select statement is at the heart of SQL DML (Data Manipulatuion Language)
The above example is a straight forward select statement using two retrieval arguments.SELECT "fdlvdet"."season",
FROM "fdlvdet"
WHERE ( "fdlvdet"."season" = :arg_seas ) AND
( "fdlvdet"."pool_code" = :arg_pool )
SQL Tutorial - Create Tables
Example - SQL DDLDDL (data definition language) is used to create and modify table structure and data. For example the create table statement is used to create a new database table.
Consider the following SQL script which creates a customer financial table.
CREATE TABLE "dba"."cusfin"
("cuscode" char(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
"currbal" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"days_0" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"days_30" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"days_60" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"days_90" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"days_120" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"credit_limit" numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
"credit_stop" char(1) DEFAULT NULL ,
"status" char(1) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("cuscode")) ;
You can run script like this in the Interactive SQL window within the Powerbuilder IDE database painter.
SQL Tutorial - Embedded Static SQL
You can place SQL code within your Powerscript code.Example - Commit and Rollback statements
if dw_1.update()=1 then
commit using sqlca;
rollback using sqlca;
end if
SQL Tutorial - Dynamic SQL
SQL can be executed at run-time (dynamically). There are four formatsFormat 1 is appropriate for DDL statements, such as create, drop, insert, grant
Example - Consider the following SQL script - Dynamic SQL Format 1:
string ls_isql
ls_isql="CREATE TABLE dba.cusfin " + &
("cuscode char(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"currbal numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"days_0 numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"days_30 numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"days_60 numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"days_90 numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"days_120 numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"credit_limit numeric(12,2) DEFAULT NULL, " + &
"credit_stop char(1) DEFAULT NULL , " + &
"status char(1) NOT NULL, " + &
"PRIMARY KEY (cuscode)) ; "
Execute immediate :ls_isql using sqlca;
Example : - Dynamic SQL format 2
This format is used when a known input parameter needs to be used. For example:
Here is a sample SQL sciptdelete from cusfin where cuscode=ls_code
SQLSA is a private Powerbuilder datatype called DynamicStagingArea. It is used to store information about the SQL statement.string ls_code
prepare SQLSA FROM "delete from cusfin where cuscode=?" using sqlca;
execute SQLSA using :ls_code;
Example - Dynamic SQL format 3
This format is used when there is a result set and a known number of input parameters. For example:
Here is a sample SQL sciptselect * from cusfin where credit_stop=ls_code
Perintah ini menggunakan PowerBuilder 10.string ls_result,ls_code,sqlstmt
declare fin_curs dynamic cursor for sqlsa;
sqlstmt="select * from cusfin where credit_stop=?"
prepare SQLSA FROM :sqlstmt;
open dynamic fin_curs using :ls_code;
fetch fin_curs inyo :ls_result;
do while SQLCA.SQLCode =0
fetch fin_curs into :ls_result;
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