Computer Shopper - October 2011 (UK)

Computer Shopper - October 2011 (UK)
Computer Shopper - October 2011 (UK)
English | PDF | 164 pages | 72.6 Mb

Computer Shopper is the definitive IT buying guide with the highest standards of testing and journalism. Every month Computer Shopper delivers more reviews, more experts and more advice than any other computer magazine, to satisfy the needs of all technology PC buyers. Computer Shopper is the biggest technology magazine, and has informed readers that are looking to purchase products immediately. The readers rely on the magazine to guide them in their buying decision.

Computer Shopper will provide you with access to the largest number of IT consumers buying for both home and small business in the UK. This gives you the advertiser, the best possible route to market to develop brand awareness and generate direct response. Computer Shopper will provide you with the ultimate platform to reach affluent consumers interested in technology who will continue to purchase IT products despite the economic restrictions. This will ultimately deliver you a safer option to get a good return on investment.

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