V.me saingan Paypal?

V.me saingan Paypal?
Selain dari service yang dimiliki, saya sangat salut dengan domain yang dimiliki. HAnYA SATU HURUF!! Untuk service mereka memberikan account seperti paypal, yang kira-kira sistemnya kita memberika data Kartu kredit ke V.me dan dia akan menyediakan account untuk pembayaran seperti layaknya paypal. namun...

Resiko grab posting orang / blackhat

Resiko grab posting orang / blackhat
Mendapatkan posting tanpa susah payah atau bahasanya auto posting dengan grab tanpa trik adalah ini. Saya alami mungkin sudah 3 hari, tapi baru saya posting. Saya mendapatkan alexa ranking yang menurun. NO DATA from alexa ranking. ya itulah resiko grab posting tanpa di timbun atau disimpan dulu sebagai...

Flash .ocx Component in Power Builder

Flash .ocx Component in Power Builder
Saya pernah membahas flash di powerbuilder, mungkin programmer Visual Basic atau VB sering menggunakan flash atau swflash.ocx untuk memasang swf di window form program.Kemarin saya mencoba untuk file berikut :flash.ocxswflash.ocx---> tampil Flash player 5flash9b.ocx, flash9c.ocx, flash9d.ocx. --->...

BLACKHAT : Blogger atau Plagiator yang untung?

BLACKHAT : Blogger atau Plagiator yang untung?
Pernah dengar copy paste article? atau merubah beberapa link affiliasi dari artikel yang kita copy?Anda pernah baca be Carefully when you grab full rss feed from blogspot Nah itu salah satu yang dinamakan blackhat pada blogger, karena bila dengan wordpress lebih mudah lagi.Okay, kenapa saya beri judul...

Belajar Powerbuilder 12 Evaluation

Belajar Powerbuilder 12 Evaluation
Sulitnya belajar powerbuilder di Indonesia, Sebenarnya apa sih powerbuilder? Sejenak saya terangkan apa yg saya tahu. Hampir sama dengan Visual Basic namun sudah terintegrasi dengan database, jadi anda mau pakai database apasaja mudah untuk koneksi. itu pejeasan simple dari saya.Pertama saya kenal dari...

Apikasi Parkir dengan PHP

Apikasi Parkir dengan PHP
suatu ketertarikan tidak akan timbul jika tidak kita butuhkan. Coba cari di google dengan keyword Apikasi Parkir dengan PHP, banyak yang menjual script atau aplikasi ini. huufz, memang susah untuk berkembang di Indonesia, uang suit dicari, ilmu juga suit didapat.Mungkin di blog bung Xenanga.com bisa...

Tutorial memasang Flash di Powerbuilder

Tutorial memasang Flash di Powerbuilder
Berdasarkan permintaan dari saudara Bheno (sayang tidak memasang link atau email)di shoutmix/shoutbox di sebelah kiri blog ini.bheno bagaimana cara menapilkan flash di power builder ?Biasanya saya kurang menggunakan flash, karena cukup dengan mengganti skin pada powerbuilder bagi saya sudah cukup....

be Carefully when you grab full rss feed from blogspot

be Carefully when you grab full rss feed from blogspot
Be carefully when you want to grab some or all news/article from blogspot via rss feed. You can read how to get it :) Just search in Google. Actually we must search blogspot with classic feed url, without feedburner or feed google. But when you grabbed all article, you must replace some text.Coba bahasa...

Download Film via Mediafire

Download Film via Mediafire
Copast gan....Download movie Beyond the Blackboard, Animals United, Babies, Barry Munday, Oliver Twist, American: The Bill Hicks Story, Miral, Freakonomics, Bi, Don't Be Afraid ( Bi, đừng sợ ), Floating Lives ( Cánh Đồng Bất Tận ), All Men Are Brothers / 新水滸傳/ Thủy Hử, Minuscule, Spartacus: Gods of...

Lama tidak Update

Lama tidak Update
Lama sudah tidak update blog, banyak sudah berubah kehidupan maya ini. Makin banyak yang jadi master. Mangtaf dunia !!!!Tapi ilmu tidak akan berguna jika tidak di ajarkan, bagus lagi kalau gratis. hahahaha. Kecuali emang butuh dana, jadi bisa diju...

Wordpress update baru di hack

Wordpress update baru di hack
Untuk yan memiliki wordpress, mau yang baru atawa yang lama. Harus berhati-hati.Ini pengalaman ane, yang buta blog (sebenernya nerusin website) yang pertama kali make wordpress, tp buat perusahaan gitu.Baru beberapa haari/ blum sampai sebulan sudah kena hack.Wordpress yang saya gunakan versi baru 3.21...

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Multilingual | 1.50 Gb Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 10 — the newest version of the #1 consumer photo editing software1 — helps you turn everyday memories into sensational photos you'll cherish forever. Easily edit photos and make photo creations using automated options,...

Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64)

Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64)
Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 0.8.3b (x86/x64) | 127.03 Mb Agisoft PhotoScan software automatically builds textured 3D models using digital photos of the scene. Allows for precise textured mesh models reconstruction.About Agisoft Agisoft is an innovative research company developing outstanding solutions...

AVS All-In-One Install Package

AVS All-In-One Install Package
AVS All-In-One Install Package | 277.27 MB AVS All-In-One Install Package - a powerful multimedia package consisting of more than 15 applications such as: AVS Video Converter, AVS Video Editor, AVS Video ReMaker, AVS Audio Converter, AVS Audio Editor, AVS Audio Recorder, AVS Disc Creator,...

Serif PhotoPlus X5

Serif PhotoPlus X5
Serif PhotoPlus X5 | 294 MB Take photos then make them great with PhotoPlus X5. Use it to edit, enhance, and organise your entire image collection. Remove red eye, restore old photos, add amazing effects and everything in between. You can even perform advanced tasks like editing Raw files,...

Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK)

Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK)
Practical Photoshop - October 2011 (UK) English | PDF | 116 pages | 52.5 MbDownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/200855926/Practical_Photoshop_2011-10S370.pdfFrom FileJungle------------***------------http://www.filejungle.com/f/gCxjV2/Practical_Photoshop_2011-10...

Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK)

Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK)
Webuser - 22 September 2011 (UK) English | PDF | 76 pages | 31.4 Mb Technology news, website reviews, free software, internet security and broadband help plus hundreds of funny websites and videos from WebUser, the UK best-selling internet magazineDownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/200855925/Webuser_2011-09-22S370.pdfFrom...

Android Development Ebooks 2011

Android Development Ebooks 2011
Android Development Ebooks 2011 English | 17 eBooks | PDF | 472MB Android development ebooks PDF 2011Contents: Apress.-.Android.Apps.for.Absolute.Beginners.2011.pdf 68.15 MB Apress.-.Practical.Android.Projects.-PIC-.2011.pdf 61.75 MB Wiley.-.Amazing.Android.Apps.for.Dummies.2011.pdf 38.06 MB Wrox.Beginning.Android.Application.Development.Apr.2011.pdf...

American PHOTO - December 2011

American PHOTO - December 2011
American PHOTO - December 2011 English | PDF | 88 pages | 30.8 Mb For professional and aspiring photographers, American Photo magazine highlights equipment, developments and industry news. Each bimonthly issue includes profiles of photographers, reviews of photography books and exhibits and technical...

Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011]

Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011]
Professional Photographer (US) collection [2008-2011] English | PDF | Years: 2008-2011 | ISSN: 1528-5286 | 2.62 GB More than 100 years, Professional Photographer (US) is the official journal of Professional Photographers of America. The publication helps readers to be advanced in the photographic...

Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection

Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection
Kitchen Garden 2010-2011 full collection English | PDF | 1.21GB Kitchen Garden Magazine - UK's No.1 for growing your own fruit and vegetables. KG also offers great monthly give-aways, special gardening offers, recipes, growing tips and much more.DownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/200855950/Kitchen...

SKI Magazine 2008-2011

SKI Magazine 2008-2011
SKI Magazine 2008-2011 Engliah | PDF | 1.2GB SKI is the original, largest and most recognized ski publication in the world. Passionately committed to helping readers decide where to ski, what to ski and how to ski, SKI is the authority on resorts, equipment and instruction.DownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/200855949/SKI...

Macworld - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Macworld - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Macworld - November 2011 English | HQ PDF | 112 pages | 72 Mb Macworld Magazine: since its inception in 1984, the Macintosh has been pioneering the world of computers. And Macworld magazine keeps you abreast of the continuing computer developments being made by the Mac. Macintosh users can rely...

Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF)

Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF)
Pro Photo Australia - September/October 2011 (HQ PDF) English | 52 pages | HQ PDF | 36.50 Mb Pro Photo Connection is a full service photo specialty store catering to the needs of students, amateur and professional photographers in Orange County for over 25 years.DownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/203678718/Pro_Photo_Australia_2011-09-10.pdfFrom...

Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2011 (HQ PDF) English | 82 pages | HQ PDF | 59.50 Mb Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine was a pioneer in personal finance journalism. Founded in 1947, this magazine lends a hand to more than one million subscribers a month. Issue after issue, Kiplinger's...

American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF)

American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF)
American PHOTO - November/December 2011 (HQ PDF) English | 88 pages | HQ PDF | 54.50 Mb American PHOTO is the premier showcase for outstanding photography. A reflection of contemporary culture through the camera's lens, it inspires professionals and sophisticated amateurs alike with its coverage...

Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF)

Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF)
Landscape Photography Made Easy 2011 (HQ PDF) English | 228 pages | HQ PDF | 162.00 Mb Landscape Photography Made Easy is a comprehensive guide to improving your outdoor photography. From the makers of Digital Camera and PhotoPlus magazines, this 228-page special is packed with step-by-step advice...

Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011

Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011
Carolina Arts and Sciences - Fall 2011 English | True PDF | 36 pages | 22.4 Mb Carolina Arts & Sciences is the alumni magazine of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.DownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/203678709/Carolina_Arts_and_Sciences_Fall_2011S370_T.pdfFrom...

Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011 (HQ PDF)

Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011 (HQ PDF)
Amateur Photographer - 01 October 2011 English | HQ PDF | 100 pages | 82.4 Mb Amateur Photographer is the most authoritative and influential photographic magazine in the UK. With its unique weekly format, it is the first for news and equipment tests. Regular features on reader portfolios, darkroom,...

Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF)

Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF)
Custom PC UK - November 2011 (HQ PDF) English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 104.00 Mb Custom PC is the essential read for performance hardware and customisation. Every issue gives you impartial advice performance hardware , advanced tips on self-building and customising, reviews and insider information...

Kelby Training - Photographing Children

Kelby Training - Photographing Children
Kelby Training - Photographing Children English | 01:09:26 | 854x480 | H264 | 29.97fps 1331kbps | AAC 128kbps | 360MB Genre: eLearning Capturing the personality of a child in a photo is challenging. A photographer has a limited amount of time to find what it is about that child that will make a great...

BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011

BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011
BBC Good Food magazine 2010-2011 English | PDF | 1.0GBBBC's Good Food Middle East is a must have for everyone who loves cooking, eating and dining out. It’s full of mouth-watering ideas for quick everyday dishes, inspirational entertaining and every recipe you’ve ever dreamed of – all devised to...

3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG]

3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG]
3D World (No#3 - No#9) Collection [2011, PDF, ENG] English | PDF | 116 pages | 454 MB 3D World - is the best-selling international magazine for 3D artists, covering the fields of animation, VFX, games, illustration and architecture. Each issue provides analysis of latest trends in the market, artistic...

IEEE Computer magazine (2004-2011) collection

IEEE Computer magazine (2004-2011) collection
IEEE Computer magazine (2004-2011) collection English | Years: 2004-2011 | ISSN: 0018-9162 | PDF | 722 MBDownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/176871349/i333mag.7z.003http://www.wupload.com/file/176872004/i333mag.7z.001http://www.wupload.com/file/176873055/i333mag.7z.002From...

Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection

Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection
Computer Graphics World (2004-2011) Collection English | Years: 2004-2011 | ISSN: 0271-4159 | PDF | 964 MB2004 №01-12 2005 №01-12 2006 №01-12 2007 №01-12 2008 №01-12 2009 №01-12 2010 №01-12 2011 №01-07DownloadFrom Wupload------------***------------http://www.wupload.com/file/176872001/CGWcollection.7z.003http://www.wupload.com/file/176872005/CGWcollection.7z.001http://www.wupload.com/file/176872010/CGWcollection.7z.002http://www.wupload.com/file/176872014/CGWcollection.7z.004From...

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography

Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography
Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography 255 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:1435458842 | PDF | 10.5 Mb Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography teaches photographers how to take the concepts of fashion photography (including preparation, styling, props, lighting, posing and post-processing)...

iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps

iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps
iPhone Obsessed: Photo editing experiments with Apps 554 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:0321771621 | PDF | 55.5 Mb Obsessed with the instant gratification of taking pictures with his iPhone, designer-photographer Dan Marcolina dedicated an entire year to a series of mobile image experiments. His amazing...

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop
Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop 225 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN:0321725549 | PDF | 85.5 Mb Each year, Scott Kelby, Editor-in-Chief of Photoshop User magazine and the #1 best-selling Photoshop author, trains literally thousands of photographers on how to...

Science for the Curious Photographer An Introduction to the Science of Photography

Science for the Curious Photographer An Introduction to the Science of Photography
Science for the Curious Photographer: An Introduction to the Science of Photography 221 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN: 1568815816| PDF | 10.5 Mb This is a photography book for those who love science and like to understand how things work. It begins with an introduction to the history and science of photography...

Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011]

Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011]
Digital Camera World collection [2002-2011] English | PDF | Genre: Photography | 4.34 GB Digital Camera World - the popular English-language magazine about photographs, photographic and image processing. In the collection are issues of the journal Digital Camera World + 2 Christmas special edition...

PC Gamer 2011 full collection

PC Gamer 2011 full collection
PC Gamer 2011 full collection English | PDF | 836MB PC Gamer is a magazine founded in Britain in 1993 devoted to PC gaming and published monthly by Future Publishing. The magazine has several regional editions, with the UK and US editions becoming the best selling PC games magazines in their respective...

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